Friday, June 1, 2012

Stinkin Cute!

I am calling this picture stinkin cute, because you can see the diaper pail in the background!

She is pulling up to crawl now, she will get on all fours and rock.  I have been working with her on how to move her hand in coordination with her knees.  She is very close to getting it!  Then I am in trouble!  We have came a long way in the short time that we have been home.  She wouldn't even lay on her belly for less than a minute without making a fuss about it. And now she loves to play on the floor for hours at a time. It is wonderful to see my baby learn all these new things! She is so stinkin cute!


Unknown said...

she is so so cute!! Btw, how old is she? She looks so little. Is she only a few months old? Anyhow, congrats on everything :)

Debbie Sauer said...

She is so precious! Looking forward to more pictures and updates. Blessings

Daly Limit said...

She is 9 months old in the picture. She was 14 lbs. when we got her. She was very little and very hungry! Thank you for the well wishes!