Monday, August 6, 2012

Nanchang, Jiangxi Providence China

We arrived at Nanchang around lunch time.  We were told that we would get to Nanchang and would be able to go to our hotel and get settled in before meeting our baby girl.  I knew better, I packed a carry on bag especially for our baby girl and dressed for the occassion. And I was right, once we got on the bus we were told there was a change of plans and that there were 80 people scheduled to get their babies the same day at the same time, so our guide was told that no one was there at that time and that it was ok for us to go there immediately to get our little ones.  So that is what we did.  We were so excited we couldn't quit smiling and proud Daddy was snapping pictures right and left to get it all.   On the way there he took the picture of the very fascinating window cleaner (I hope he gets paid well, with no restraints and all....). The building was a white building and we had to go up several floors and down a long hall.  We immediately met the orphange director.  We were the 1st ones in and I could see the nannies holding the babies. I was so excited, I had tears in my eyes.  We were then lead to the room where our babies were at.  We were called 1st and I took our precious little one and held her and talked to her for awhile before her Daddy took her from me.  There was so much paperwork to sign and learn about that it was chaotic.  We were trying to get to know our little one and complete a mound of really important paperwork at the same time. Somehow we mananged.  We got alot of the stuff back that was sent in the care package. So our baby girl had her own backpack of toys.  I also manage to get autographs of the care takers and the Director of the Orphanage.  We also got the Director's business card to stay in touch.  While there we had our 1st family photo taken.  My husband and I were smiling from ear to ear, and our baby girl is not doing so.  I am sure she was wondering what was going on, and who are these grinning people.  Once we left the building we had to walk accross a extremly busy street.  We had just became parents and then we had to walk accross the street with our baby in hand, very crazy.  It was like carrying a very rare precious diamond accross a tight line rope.  Each night my husband would set near the window with our little one and talk to her about her providence.  All the sounds, smells, and bright lights, they would talk about it all.  So cute!  Each morning at 5:30AM we were woke up to the sound of firecrackers outside our window.  Our little one slept through that noise, luckily!

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