Saturday, January 28, 2012

Reason We Are Adopting

We have waited almost 8 years to have a family. We have been married 10 years and started researching how we could have a family a couple years after we were married. I am a hemophilia carrier and our biological child would have had or carried this disease. My Dad has this disease. I have seen him suffer more that you can imagine and he acts like it is no big deal... as I pass out on the floor. He is the strongest man I know and his doctor tells him so too . I lost a very dear cousin to the disease. That was one of worst things that has ever happened in my life, losing a cousin who was young, incredibly smart and he could make you laugh at absolutely nothing. He was my oldest cousin so we looked up to him and he set an excellent example for us. So then my husband and I decided we would try IVF with PGD (Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis). I spent 18 months sending letters to insurance agencies, doctors, hempophilia supporters, etc. The procedure was a one shot deal. I did not get anywhere and was so frustrated all of the time. My husband kept on mentioning adopting from China to me several times along the way, and we even had several signs along the way that I think back know and realize the signs was there, but I was caught up in what I was doing and wasn't paying attention. Finally I realized that the signs were there the entire time at my nephew #3 baptism. I cried all the way there and when we sit down we are sitting behind two beautiful girls who were adopted from China. It hit me, and I cried. I knew this is what we were to do!

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